Menus & More

What's on the menu?

We're excited to share that all students (K-12) have the opportunity to eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost again this school year! You do not need to submit an application.

• Lower School Breakfast Menu
• Lower School Lunch Menu

•  Upper School Breakfast Menu
•  Upper School Lunch Menu


Birthday Bag

Is a special birthday coming up soon? Surprise your child with a Birthday Bag ($20). Everyone in their class will have a treat and celebrate! Print out this form and return it to the school at least one week before your child's birthday (firm deadline).

If you would like to send a snack in with your child to share with the classroom, please make sure to choose a snack from the Safe Snack List. Thank you!


We love serving your children and are always open to questions/concerns. Please contact Food Services Manager, Regina Arnold by email or call her at (717) 801-3900, ext. 4313.

Please Note: York Academy's main food distributor and many food manufacturers are experiencing labor and product shortages. Orders are often cancelled or arrive late, and the menus may change. Our Food Services staff members are working hard to prepare nutritious and delicious meals with what's available, and they appreciate your patience and understanding.