Citation creator instructions

Create your list of sources with BibMe, EasyBib, Citation Machine

Choose MLA style (use version 8 if you have a choice)

Each of the 3 citation creators has the sources in different order. The process is the same. Choose your source format: book, website, video. Use OTHER for images from the web.

Choose manual entry mode or manual cite (I highlighted it in yellow on the two snip below).

HINT: It’s smart to write down title, author, publisher, place, year and anything else you need from your sources as you use them. It’s even easier if you open BibMe or EasyBib and use it each time you use a source.

The front cover of a book usually has the title and author. These can also be found on the title page. The publisher is on the title page. We usually use the copyright year as the year of publication. This is found on the back side of the title page and often has the copyright symbol ©.

If you don’t have the book in front of you, search the YCL card catalog (SPARK). You will find the information in the search result for that book.

The website and article title are at the top of a website article. The author, if there is one, may be at the top or the bottom. The publisher and year are at the bottom if they are listed. You may leave these blank or remove if that is an option. The URL is the web address, and can be copied from the top of the web page. If there is a place to choose to use the URL in the citation, use it. You need the web address in your citation.

Giving credit for  images is a bit more complex.  It is best to do an advanced search and only use images free to use, share, or modify.  This is stated differently in different search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) but you will be able to locate the correct choices.  Once your image appears, you still need to find the information requested by your citation creator (BibMe, EasyBib, Citation Machine).Here is a link to an article about doing this for EasyBib.

After you complete the entry, click Create Citation. Then copy and paste to your document or credits slide.

Note that the copy and paste might take the background color with it. On an iPad, sometimes copy and paste does not work (It tells you to use Ctrl + C to copy, as if you were on a computer.)  If you type the works cited page, make sure you use all the spelling, spacing, and punctuation that the citation creator (BibMe, EasyBib, Citation Machine) used. It must be typed correctly.

For a review of the changes to MLA with the new MLA8, including new terms they use, you might want to visit